破解PSP 5.55系统的雷人Lua代码
当然办法不是没有,要说起PSP的flash0(下次有机会一定要好好写写PSP的破解)。大概介绍下,flash0是存放内核的空间,而flash1是存放用户设置的地方。内核的验证也就很简单(不是所有的验证都这样,因为新内核会有新插件、新模块),验证一个txt文本文件 —- version.txt。名字叫的太高调了。那么现在欺骗的办法就有了,只要改version.txt!但是不得不说一下version.txt,这个东西不是我凭空讲讲写写改个数字就好了,里面有一堆信息,这里我贴个5.55的version.txt。
代码很长,所以折叠起来了,可以点击”expend source”来展开;
-- Not edit!!!
-- DAS IST NUR EINE VORL腢FIGE vERSION DIE oRIGINALLE WIRD BESSER -- ---------------------------------------
red = Color.new(255,255,255) -- ---------------------------------------
black = Color.new(0,0,0) -- ---------------------------------------
-- Hule true make clean -- ---------------------------------------
while true do -- ---------------------------------------
-- Learn for school -- ---------------------------------------
System.memclean() -- ---------------------------------------
-- make a cooktail -- ---------------------------------------
CPU = System.setcpuspeed(333) -- ---------------------------------------
-- Lose your key -- ---------------------------------------
if System.cfwVersion() > "5.50" then -- ---------------------------------------
-- Make a Panorama -- ---------------------------------------
System.message("CGTP is just for 5.50 GEN-B2",0) -- ---------------------------------------
-- Cookkiing with freiends -- ---------------------------------------
System.Quit() -- ---------------------------------------
-- Killer a man killer -- ---------------------------------------
end -- ---------------------------------------
-- Ending the story -- ---------------------------------------
if System.cfwVersion() < "5.50" then -- ---------------------------------------
-- Not editer because code by Team CGTP -- ---------------------------------------
System.message("CGTP is just for 5.50 GEN-B2",0) -- ---------------------------------------
-- MCpsp the Forum -- ---------------------------------------
System.Quit() -- ---------------------------------------
-- if system clear then -- ---------------------------------------
end -- ---------------------------------------
-- end with sucks -- ---------------------------------------
if System.powerGetBatteryLifePercent() < 15 then -- ---------------------------------------
-- make Pandora with vlf -- ---------------------------------------
System.message("Charge your batterie over 15 %",0) -- ---------------------------------------
-- Pudinng a joke -- ---------------------------------------
System.Quit() -- ---------------------------------------
-- tell you something -- ---------------------------------------
end -- ---------------------------------------
-- End the next Story -- ---------------------------------------
screen:clear(black) -- ---------------------------------------
-- Do not edit -- ---------------------------------------
screen:print(1,1,"5.55 CGTP Installer", red) -- ---------------------------------------
-- because its my code -- ---------------------------------------
screen:print(1,20,"By Team CGTP", red) -- ---------------------------------------
-- its an easy code -- ---------------------------------------
screen:print(1,50,"Press X to Install 5.55 CGTP", red) -- ---------------------------------------
-- Installing friends -- ---------------------------------------
screen:print(1,60,"Press O to Exit", red) -- ---------------------------------------
-- Love a dog with cookies -- ---------------------------------------
screen:print(1,30,"www.cngba.com", red) -- ---------------------------------------
-- and the code makes Pudding -- ---------------------------------------
screen.flip() -- ---------------------------------------
--System making piece -- ---------------------------------------
screen.waitVblankStart(0) -- ---------------------------------------
-- Wild world maker -- ---------------------------------------
pad = Controls.read() -- ---------------------------------------
-- No Joke without Fire -- ---------------------------------------
X = pad:cross() -- ---------------------------------------
-- A Womanizer -- ---------------------------------------
O = pad:circle() -- ---------------------------------------
-- Codeing this little CFW -- ---------------------------------------
if O then -- ---------------------------------------
-- Team Philix see you -- ---------------------------------------
System.Quit() -- ---------------------------------------
-- Do nothing without us -- ---------------------------------------
end -- ---------------------------------------
-- make some more pudding -- ---------------------------------------
if X then -- ---------------------------------------
-- clear to somone -- ---------------------------------------
function System.EasyAssign(flash) -- ---------------------------------------
-- definition somethink withoaut some -- ---------------------------------------
System.unassign("flash"..flash..":") -- ---------------------------------------
-- Learn for school -- ---------------------------------------
System.sleep(800) -- ---------------------------------------
-- Dont be afraid -- ---------------------------------------
-- I kill you (not) -- --------------s--------------------------------
System.sleep(800) -- ---------------f-----fs----------------------------
-- lua is baaad -- -----------------------------sf---------------------
end -- ------------------------------fs---------fs-----------------------
-- Have fun with this tool -- ------s---------fs-----------fs-------------
System.EasyAssign(0) -- ----------------------------------fs----------
-- did you have finished? -- ---------------------------------------
screen:print(1,80,"Install 5.55 CGTP...", red) -- --------------
-- lorning for school -- ----------------------------------sdf----------
screen:print(1,90,"Do not Shutdown...", red) -- ---------------------
-- lorning for school -- ---------------------------sdf-----------------
screen.flip() -- ----------------------------------------------------
-- lorning for school -- ---------s-------------sfs----------------------
-- lorning for school -- -----------------------------------sfs--------
screen.flip() -- ------------------------sfs---------------------------
-- lorning for school -- ---------------sf---sfsd-------------------------
screen.waitVblankStart(0) -- ---------------------------------------
-- lorning for school -- ----------------------gd---------------------
screen:print(1,100,"Creat Folders...", red) -- ----------------------
-- lorning for school -- -------------------------------------------
screen.flip() -- ---------------------------------df------------------
-- lorning for school -- -------------------------------------------
screen.waitVblankStart(60) -- -------------dgd-------------------------
-- lorning for school -- ---------------------------hfh----------------
kp = System.createDirectory("flash0://kp") -- ----------------------
-- lorning for school -- -------------------------dhf------------------
screen.flip() -- ---------------------------------------------------
-- lorning for school -- ------------------------------------------
screen.waitVblankStart(0) -- --------------fhg-------------------------
-- lorning for school -- -------------------------------------------
screen:print(140,100,"Done", red) -- -------------------------------
-- lorning for school -- -------------------------------------------
screen.flip() -- ---------------------------------------------------
-- lorning for school -- -------------------------------------------
screen.waitVblankStart(50) -- --------------------------------------
-- lorning for school -- -------------------------------------------
screen.flip() -- ---------------------------------------------------
-- lorning for school -- -------------------------------------------
screen.waitVblankStart(0) -- ---------------------------------------
-- lorning for school -- -------------------------------------------
screen:print(1,110,"Flashing Files...", red) -- --------------------
-- lorning for school -- -------------------------------------------
screen.flip(5) -- --------------------------------------------------
-- lorning for school -- -------------------------------------------
System.copyFile("version.txt", "flash0:/vsh/etc/version.txt", 0)
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
screen.flip() -- -------------------------------------------
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
screen.waitVblankStart(0) -- -------------------------------
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
screen:print(140,110,"Done", red) -- -----------------------
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
screen.flip() -- -------------------------------------------
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
screen.waitVblankStart(40) -- -------------------------------
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
screen.flip() -- -------------------------------------------
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
screen.waitVblankStart(0) -- -------------------------------
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
screen:print(1,120,"Shutdown in 3 Seconds", red) -- --------
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
screen.flip() -- -----------------------------------------
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
screen.waitVblankStart(120) -- ------------------------------
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
screen:clear(black) -- --------------------------------------
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
System.shutdown() -- -----------------------------------------
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
end -- -------------------------------------------------------
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
end -- ------------------------------------------------------
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
-- lorning for schoollearning and not edit this code or copy
red = Color.new(255,255,255)
black = Color.new(0,0,0)
while true do
CPU = System.setcpuspeed(333)
if System.cfwVersion() > "5.50" then
System.message("CGTP is just for 5.50 GEN-B2",0)
if System.cfwVersion() < "5.50" then
System.message("CGTP is just for 5.50 GEN-B2",0)
if System.powerGetBatteryLifePercent() < 15 then
System.message("Charge your batterie over 15 %",0)
screen:print(1,1,"5.55 CGTP Installer", red)
screen:print(1,20,"By Team CGTP", red)
screen:print(1,50,"Press X to Install 5.55 CGTP", red)
screen:print(1,60,"Press O to Exit", red)
screen:print(1,30,"www.cngba.com", red)
pad = Controls.read()
X = pad:cross()
O = pad:circle()
if O then
if X then
function System.EasyAssign(flash)
screen:print(1,80,"Install 5.55 CGTP...", red)
screen:print(1,90,"Do not Shutdown...", red)
screen:print(1,100,"Creat Folders...", red)
kp = System.createDirectory("flash0://kp")
screen:print(140,100,"Done", red)
screen:print(1,110,"Flashing Files...", red)
System.copyFile("version.txt", "flash0:/vsh/etc/version.txt", 0)
screen:print(140,110,"Done", red)
screen:print(1,120,"Shutdown in 3 Seconds", red)
逻辑除去界面和操作,那只有两个意思:复制 version.txt 到 f0:/vsh/etc/ 目录;f0下创建一个kp目录。(目的何在?当然代码作者应该是分析了demo才做的)回头看看前面的干扰的注释是不是好有趣,内容也是颇为有趣~ 娱乐一下而已~