

May 15, 2010 | 6 Minute Read



agent MainAgent : channel Microsoft.Axum.Application
    public MainAgent()
        var pt = new OrderedInteractionPoint<int>();

        // Set up a dataflow network
        pt ==> MultiplyByTwo ==> Print;

        // Send some numbers to the network
        for(int i=0; i<5; i++) pt <-- i;

        PrimaryChannel::Done <-- Signal.Value;

    int MultiplyByTwo(int n)
        return n*2;

    void Print(int n)


// Send some numbers to the network
for(int i=0; i<5; i++) pt <-- i;

// Not so fast! Wait until the user hits
// return before continuing
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to continue...");

PrimaryChannel::Done <-- Signal.Value;

绝对脑残啊!我相信按道理很多人会想到这么写,不过在把代码敲出来之前肯定就想到了问题。我的Console IO被阻塞了说,还怎么去Writeline啊。好吧,Axum 2.0里的一个很重要的更新就是给了一个异步的Console:

// Send some numbers to the network
for(int i=0; i<5; i++) pt <-- i;

// Not so fast! Wait until the user hits
// return before continuing
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to continue...");

PrimaryChannel::Done <-- Signal.Value;

这真是个好东西啊!具体Axum0.2还更新了什么,看看下面的。其实0.3也有了,只是我只是想知道一些0.1到现在的变化,所以先写这个吧~ 另外0.2的时候还发了一个独立的Axum编译器,不依赖Visual Studio,有兴趣的童鞋们可以更加轻松愉快的玩一玩了~


  • Added an installer for Visual Studio 2010 Beta1

  • Enabled parallel execution of functional nodes in dataflow networks

  • Made it possible to change fonts and colors of Axum language elements via Tools Options Fonts and Colors
  • Moved samples to a zip file to make using them easier

  • Introduced - an Axum command line compiler that doesn’t require Visual Studio

  • Fixed the compiler error where the channel name was the same as the enclosing namespace name

  • Made handling of immutable primitive types more rigorous; fixed some side-effect related bugs

  • Added ‘using System.Concurrency.Messaging’ to the VS-generated template to make classes like OrderedInteractionPoint visible by default

  • Added the async method Microsoft.Axum.IO.Console.ReadLine

  • Added a spiffy Auction sample (A big shout out to Matthew Podwysocki for his help!)
