
Playstation Network账号遭遇0x8002A231错误前因后果

November 15, 2009 | 15 Minute Read

很不幸,在前段时间遭遇了PSN账号(美服)的0x8002A231错误,即是在使用PSN账号登陆时,弹出0x8002A231错误提示无法登陆。当然第一反应就是Google it,在官方论坛上看到了这个帖子,于是按照这里的各种thread所描述的好好的对号入座了一把。大致原因可以确定为,某次支付非法,索尼没有在充值账户扣到相应的款项,所以ban掉了该账号。解决方法是使用PSN注册邮箱发送Email联系客服[email protected],并且提供相应的信息,接受调查,以达到解封的目的。

于是详细说说如何战斗的。首先我知道被ban,马上就找到了真正的原因。因为前些日子在淘宝某店家处使用100RMB充了100USD到我的PSN美服账号。而之后我顺利的得到了这笔钱,而且进行了一次消费,剩下了80+USD在账户中,打算之后留着购买Gran Turismo PSP和Hustle Kings或者是可能会在PSN上销售的PES2010。之后我就很长一段时间没有碰这个账号,进一次使用这个账号的时候,遭遇了0x8002A231错误。那么原因很明显,就是那笔款项并没有真正的被索尼得到,于是我的账号施以极刑。应该说是我做贼心虚、贪得无厌、并且死有余辜。当然包着侥幸心理,我还是采取了联系客服的行动,并且装作无辜状。



 Customer ( arthraim) 11/05/2009 06:12 PM
I got a 8002A231 error. I googled it and realized that I may got cheated by the seller on C2C who gave me 10% off. I’m not sure how he did, but I got my money on my PSN account. Also I’m not sure if the error is caused by this.
I wanna my account back, there’s about $80 on my account and it’s prepared for Hustle Kings and PES2010, please give me an anwser. Thank you.
 Auto-Response 11/05/2009 06:12 PM
Thank you for contacting Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA).</p>

You have received this auto-acknowledgement to confirm that we received your message. Please rest assured we will investigate this issue and respond to your message within 2 business days.

NOTE: This mailbox is only for PLAYSTATION(R)Network account research questions. General questions (i.e., warranty, troubleshooting, etc.) will not be answered from this mailbox.</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 从这个回合中,可以看出两点。 1. 我是坚决的、彻底的要履行装B义务,并且装成是一个好市民和一个无辜的受害者形象,把责任归咎于C2C网站(淘宝)上的卖家。(当然事实上的确是这样,只是应该让我感到内疚的是我明知此人非善,还抱着侥幸心理坚持购买) 2. 索尼的客服很没有诚意,派出机器人给我发了一个回复。 而这个回合的最终结果,当然是我赢了,因为我装B装的很诚恳(没看出来吗?),他们的回复很机械(当然)。 **第二回合**: 我发出上个回合的回复后(11月6日),第二天(11月7日),我就收到了索尼的回复,来自一个Anthony R.的客服人员。要求我提供我的确认信息,并且许诺会调查我提出的问题。

 Response (Anthony R.) 11/06/2009 03:55 PM
Hello Consumer,</p>

Your concerns have been heard regarding your PlayStation(R)Network account.

In order for us to assist you with your PLAYSTATION(R)Network account, please email us the following information. 

- Your Sign-In ID (registered PSN email address):
- Your Online ID:
- Phone Number with Area Code:
- Registered Name (first and last name, exactly as entered in your PLAYSTATION Network account settings):
- Complete Registered Mailing Address (include Zip Code):
- Date of Birth (MM/DD/YEAR): 
- The approximate date that your account was created:
- How long have you had the PLAYSTATION(R)3 computer entertainment system:
- Have you shared your PSN account(s) with others, &/or gotten access to other’s PSN account(s):

Once we receive this information, we will research this issue further and provide a resolution within 72 business hours.

Anthony R.</td> </tr>

Customer ( arthraim) 11/11/2009 08:57 PM
- Your Sign-In ID (registered PSN email address):
  [email protected]
- Your Online ID:
- Phone Number with Area Code:
  86138******49 (我隐藏的)
- Registered Name (first and last name, exactly as entered in your PLAYSTATION Network account settings):
  Arthur Wang
- Complete Registered Mailing Address (include Zip Code):
  I believe that my address infomation is fake……. so I can’t remember it
- Date of Birth (MM/DD/YEAR):
  **/**/19** (我隐藏的)
- The approximate date that your account was created:
  I’m afraid I fogot… may be february or march this year.
- How long have you had the PLAYSTATION(R)3 computer entertainment system:
  I bought it on Feb.7th.2009
- Have you shared your PSN account(s) with others, &/or gotten access to other’s PSN account(s):
  Yes, there’s a person on the internet had my account password for a while, before I gave him my password I changed it, after that I changed back to the old one. All the reason is that he can put $100 in my account and I only need to pay him 90. </p>

—————— Original ——————
FROM: "PSN Account Support"<[email protected]>;DATE: Sat, Nov 7, 2009 07:55 AMTO: "arthraim"<[email protected]>; SUBJECT: What’s 0x8002A231 error [Incident: 091105-000721]</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 从这个回合可以看出: 1. 索尼的要求非常严格,需要进一步验证你的信息,并且,其中最后一个问题是调查的关键。 2. 在关键问题上,我继续扮演我的受害者形象。 3. 因为我的注册资料粗糙没有逻辑没有备案,所以我十分不利。(经验总结,注册PSN账号的时候尽可能的提供真实可靠的资料,哪怕是伪造的,因为类似这样的issue的时候,就需要和人打交道了,那乱写的地址就无法帮助你了) 这个回合应该说是第一次的正面交锋,并且双方不分上下。索尼提出要进一步调查,应当是例行公事,而我也提供了相应的材料,继续扮演好角色,但是资料提供不完整(即便是这样,我还是扮演我的弱势形象)。索尼的一着规规矩矩的进攻被我十分吃力的招架住,虽然双方未分胜负,但是可见我的内力不够、底气不足,十分危险,主动权已掌握在对手的手中。 **第三回合**: 虽然11月7日索尼就回复我了,不过我到了11月12日才发出了上一回合的那个回复,而当天,我也收到了索尼的回复,回复如下。

Response (Don K) 11/12/2009 07:56 AM
Hello Arthur,</p>

Again we do apologize for any inconvenience regarding this account issue.

Thank you for writing us concerning your account.

According to our records, your account is banned due to a debt amount you owe in the amount of $100.00 If you wish to pay this debt you can mail in a money order or a check to the address below:

ATTN: Billing Dept:
PO BOX 5888
SAN MATEO, CA 94402-0888

Please put the Service Request Number: 1-239407181 on the check or money order you mail in and make it payable to "Sony Computer".

If you wish to speak to a specialist and get more information concerning your account. Please call our Consumer Services Toll-Free Phone: 866-286-5123.

Please reference Service Request Number: 1-239407181

Our hours of operation are: Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., Pacific Time

Don K</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 看到这个回复,我就绝望了,显然索尼在回复中阐明了两点关键意思: 1. 你欠我们的,总要还我们的,这100USD,我们是一定要收到的! 2. (这层意思要摸索出来)我们只管收到我们的钱,如果你是在C2C平台上遭到的欺骗,那么你可以通过其他途径其他客服维护你的权益,而SCE则不管你的死活。 没错吧,所以看到这封回复的时候,我已经绝望了,此时我唯一的办法就是寻找那个当初卖我的淘宝店家讨回公道!哪怕是帮我另一个美服账号再充100也好(奸笑~~)。于是我没有回复,这个事情也就没有下文了,和索尼客服的过招到此为止,也许我会有心情更新我和淘宝店主的较量,看心情吧。 以上。